From my own experience, I know this: success is a gem that often shines brightly on the outside, but inside, the reality can be quite different. The one-dimensional nature of success can sometimes lead to stagnation. The allure of luxury and pleasure begins to lose its impact. We find ourselves striving to stay on the pedestal, yet deep down, we know our power is borrowed.

Who are we, really? Who is the person hiding behind the title, the role, the mask? Doubts—about ourselves and everything else—creep in. Questions multiply. Fear lingers. But where do we put it all? Friends tell us, “You’ve made it.” Our life partners might grow weary of endlessly supporting us from behind the scenes.

I offer you a safe space to explore the quiet voice within you. I meet you as an equal, creating a discreet environment to confront the nagging questions that won’t go away. This process might spark a transformation. Or it might “simply” improve your quality of life. Either way, it will shift your perspective and help you reconnect with yourself. Believe me, the journey isn’t always easy, but it’s always worth it.

Executive Coaching

The clear and primary goal of my coaching sessions is to significantly enhance your quality of life—both professionally and personally. Throughout the coaching process, we focus on the issues that keep you awake at night, occupy your mind, hold you back, or cause stress in today’s fast-paced world.

There are a few key words that define my approach and actions. The three most important to me are:

Transformation | Dignity | Change

I am a passionate transformation architect and the founder of MagnoliaTree. With MagnoliaTree my life’s dream is finally fulfilled. Since I was 20 years old, I have known thatmy life’s mission is to help people grow.

I am a recognized expert for systemic leadership and consulting. With my holistic approach, I contribute to improving and maximizing the performance of companies—especially in times of change. Thanks to my 20 years of experience in international management positions and my passion for the subject, I have become an authority on change leadership. I have successfully led change processes worldwide, including across Europe, Asia, and the United States.


I am the co-author of the book Ready for Success. Das Praxisbuch für den erfolgreichen Karriere-Übergang (The Practical Guide to a Successful Career Transition), which I wrote with Stephanie Schorp and was published by Campus Verlag in September 2024.


Das Praxisbuch für den erfolgreichen Karriere-Übergang (The Practical Guide to a Successful Career Transition) by Sabine Gromer and Stephanie Schorp is a practical, hands-on guide to mastering professional transitions. Packed with proven strategies, valuable insights, and actionable advice, this book is designed to help you confidently navigate your next career steps. It’s perfect for anyone looking to take charge of their career – from recent graduates to experienced leaders.


The themes of womanhood and femininity hold a significant place in my life. I proudly identify as a feminist, and I see it as my mission to contribute meaningfully to gender equality. In my coaching work, I emphasize the importance of balancing feminine and masculine qualities, recognizing that new approaches to leadership cannot emerge within rigid, patriarchal structures.

As a coach, I support women in their professional development. Their experiences with leadership are often influenced by stereotype threat and shaped by unconscious bias. Coaching provides a powerful tool to help navigate these challenges within corporate landscapes.

My work addresses two main groups of women: those striving to advance professionally but who have yet to reach their desired goals, and those who have already ascended the career ladder and now hold senior positions. For the latter, I provide guidance in navigating male-dominated leadership environments, helping them thrive and lead authentically.

Leading with a Feminine Touch

Women in executive management positions, supervisory boards, or boards of directors often face challenges distinct from those of their male colleagues. Operating in predominantly male-dominated environments can be both exhausting and demanding.

I support female strategic decision-makers in navigating these challenges, empowering them to lead authentically, with a feminine touch, and in a transformative way.


I invite you to reach out and connect with me. The best way to contact me is via email, and you’re welcome to visit my Linkedin profile as well.