The themes of womanhood and femininity hold a significant place in my life. I proudly identify as a feminist, and I see it as my mission to contribute meaningfully to gender equality. In my coaching work, I emphasize the importance of balancing feminine and masculine qualities, recognizing that new approaches to leadership cannot emerge within rigid, patriarchal structures.
As a coach, I support women in their professional development. Their experiences with leadership are often influenced by stereotype threat and shaped by unconscious bias. Coaching provides a powerful tool to help navigate these challenges within corporate landscapes.
My work addresses two main groups of women: those striving to advance professionally but who have yet to reach their desired goals, and those who have already ascended the career ladder and now hold senior positions. For the latter, I provide guidance in navigating male-dominated leadership environments, helping them thrive and lead authentically.
Leading with a Feminine Touch
Women in executive management positions, supervisory boards, or boards of directors often face challenges distinct from those of their male colleagues. Operating in predominantly male-dominated environments can be both exhausting and demanding.
I support female strategic decision-makers in navigating these challenges, empowering them to lead authentically, with a feminine touch, and in a transformative way.